A Word About Homelessness

When you hear the word homeless, what do you think?

For most people you think of a man lying on a subway grate perhaps with an alcohol bottle near his side or an older woman pushing a shopping cart with all her belonging in it. What you don’t see at the same time is a woman who passes you by with a 5-year-old next to her side and a baby in a stroller.

You see, homelessness is not so much a population as it is a situation that people fall into. All it takes is a loss of a job, an eviction, an illness, a divorce, and before you know it, you are out on the street. 

Approximately 35% of all those who are homeless are members of families. While there are many precipitating causes for one to become homeless, the root cause of homelessness is a lack of affordable housing. For every four families seeking housing, there is only one available unit, causing a cruel game of musical chairs. Families also need social services including affordable health care, child care, proper nutrition and educational opportunities.

 Homelessness can be solved. It is not a partisan issue. It is a human issue that demands compassionate and effective solutions. It is a challenge that should unite us in seeking sustainable solutions to ensure that every family has a home and the opportunity for a brighter future.


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